Sample Lesson Plans

     In my experience, the most effective lessons are planned with the end in mind. I believe that in order to develop the procedural steps of a lesson, one must first have a clear expectation of the learning objectives each student is expected to meet by the end of the lesson. Once the learning objectives are well-defined, it is necessary to determine the means of formative and summative assessment that will indicate whether or not the objectives have been met. 

Title I Reading (Grades K-3)

     Providing Title I reading instruction to kindergarten through third grade students allowed me to gain experience in planning and implementing lessons across the five domains of reading. Explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension supported my struggling readers in building their reading foundation. When planning Title I instruction, I considered the needs of my students, classroom curriculum, and classroom teacher input. 

Grade 1 (Short -i-).pdf Grade 1 (Short -i-).pdf
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Kindergarten (Phonemic Awareness-Rhyme).pdf Kindergarten (Phonemic Awareness-Rhyme).pdf
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Grade 1 (Cause & Effect).pdf Grade 1 (Cause & Effect).pdf
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Grade 2 (Consonant Digraphs).pdf Grade 2 (Consonant Digraphs).pdf
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Grade 2 (Guided Reading-Mystery).pdf Grade 2 (Guided Reading-Mystery).pdf
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Grade 3 (Guided Reading-Writing).pdf Grade 3 (Guided Reading-Writing).pdf
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 Reading (Grade 5)

      Throughout my student teaching internship I was able to help fifth grade students attain Pennsylvania Standards through the use of trade novels, such as The Landry News by Andrew Clements. The file below is an example of a weekly lesson plan. As part of this plan, I facilitated a small group discussion in which students focused on analyzing literary devices and elements. 

      To effectively teach reading to my fifth grade students, differentiation was essential. Typically, two or three different reading groups were taught at the same time. Each group read a different novel depending on reading and interest levels. However, because Carolynn Reeder's novel Shades of Gray fit in so well with the social studies curriculum, I decided that each member of our class would read the novel. To see how I supported each reader in the understanding of this novel through the use of literature circles and managed two reading groups simultaneously, please view the file to the bottom right.

The Landry News Reading Plans.pdf The Landry News Reading Plans.pdf
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Shades of Gray Reading Plans.pdf Shades of Gray Reading Plans.pdf
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Writing (Grade 5)

     I have found children's literature to be a wonderful tool in writing instruction. Fifth grade students were able to evaluate and emulate favorite authors by recognizing their purposeful use of descriptive language, focus, organization, and style. In the video below, you can observe my fifth grade students preparing to use Chris Van Allsburgh's Just A Dream to make progress in their own writing goals.

 Inquiry-Based Science (Grade 5)

Student Worksheet-Glaciers.pdf Student Worksheet-Glaciers.pdf
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      Inquiry-based science allows students to make meaningful discoveries about the world through authentic, often hands-on, experiences. Students in the picture to the left are comparing the acidity of various liquids to the acidity of a local stream by using the pH scale. Another benefit of inquiry-based science is that it gives students the chance to work collaboratively with their classmates. In the video below, fifth grade students are working together to determine how and why glaciers move. To the left, you can view the worksheet that students used to record their observations and summarize their findings. 

Social Studies (Grade 5)

     Throughout my student teaching internship, social studies lessons were implemented as American History units. Units were often integrated with other subjects as students wrote poems about Harriet Tubman, created "The Night Before the Boston Tea Party" comic strips, and set sail on the Mayflower via webquest. An example lesson plan and student webquest can be viewed by clicking on the files below.

Virtual Field Trip Facilitation Guide.pdf Virtual Field Trip Facilitation Guide.pdf
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Mathematics (Grade 5)

     I believe in a balance between conceptual and procedural mathematics instruction. In my experience, the most effective mathematics instruction allows students to work with manipulatives in a small group setting. 

     In the example lesson plan below, students worked within small groups to measure objects in our classroom. Students completed both entrance and exit slips, so that I could determine the effectiveness of the lesson and plan for future instruction.

Measurement Lesson Plan.pdf Measurement Lesson Plan.pdf
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Type : pdf
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